Technology and innovation

Technology is essential for the advancement of our missions.

We are engaged in the development of smart investment methodologies with unique characteristics,

all the fruit of the knowledge and experience that have been accumulated over the years.

We achieved the results using intelligent analysis systems based on advanced technologies.

Our approach is ambitious but realistic.

The more difficult our method test is, the greater the value of the thesis behind them, therefore we focus on developing new trading ideas. We work hard to code our best investment laws into a model, and this systematicity allows us to refine the decision-making process and bring our understanding of what we do to a high level.

We try to understand what has caused us to be wrong in the past

and weigh this within our decision-making model, to make them more effective in the future. The company’s traders design complex trading strategies that include the combination of different financial instruments.

We use algorithmic processes and implement hedging strategies to control overall risk.